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2013-07-29 18:31 Source: Sina when Shang Wangmiao

article REVIEW: fashion week brought another revolution is MAN's new style, Fashion East and Topshop sponsored show for emerging designers consecutive Sponsors do, and allow them to do three quarters of group exhibitions (BTW, did launch a dominant position in most of the young British menswear designer).

Fashion Week, another revolution is MAN brings new style, Fashion East and Topshop sponsored show has been a continuous sponsor for emerging designers to do, and allow them to do three quarters of group Exhibition (BTW, have indeed launched a dominant majority of young British men's designer).

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2013-07-12 16:11 Source: Sohu woman sea small leather

article REVIEW : Everyone was eager to better sex life , a good sex will bring mental stimulation both men and women , have to have sex sexual techniques , so in order to improve the look of sexual life . Xiaobian tell you some of the most fashionable sex skills.

wanted to create stimulating pleasure, F on M posture can make a woman even more satisfied. The man was supine posture, let her way to sit cross-legged sitting on your lap, you have to grasp her hand ready to stride penis head , guided by her into her body . This action is dominated by women , for men and habits has always been active passive women, the two sides can enjoy unprecedented pleasure. Lying to work,coach手拿包, men can enjoy intercourse with each other organs , and women living in the host , by the initiative of the offensive by the accurately adjust posture, helps get multiple G-spot stimulation.

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2013-04-23 19:06 Source: Edit / Wang Miao

article REVIEW: 4 月 20 日, 700BIKE with Serk jointly organized by Beijing successfully held the first meeting retro ride. Beijing retro riding is subject inspired London Tweed run London's Tweed Run was founded in 2009, is a form of British rider to wear traditional costumes, riding walk through the city's neighborhoods. The event is intended to celebrate the simple lifestyle, showing cycling elegance and fashion.

held since the activity in the major media news release, Beijing and Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places of cycling enthusiasts enthusiasm continues to climb, for safety and health considerations,lv新款3折賣, the event limit 100 Chinese riders with 50 foreign riders to attend. On the day, put on his bicycle enthusiasts that the best interpretation of "retro" concept first line, stepping on vintage motorcycles, at the Workers Stadium Simon collection, wear the uniform individually numbered armband, and then along Sanlitun - Embassy District - Agricultural Exhibition Museum - Xiaoyun Road - Fangyuan West - Tai Road -798 cycling routes starting, finally reached 798 Beijing Afrocentric enjoy After Party hearty afternoon tea. In the After Party scene with people and cars compete for awards, prizes for the Italian ABICI Amante retro bicycle one.

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2013-08-02 16:08 Source: "lifestyle home" / Edit HAN Dong

article REVIEW: many people clamor to transform the world are changing every day. Only the red and red of the "rag woman", devoted an actor, happily doing universal family jingle cats, never thought unprovoked changed. Because she knows and is willing real as calm derived comfortable. Only red and years ago when just a few different hairstyles, to tell you, she quietly metamorphosis. Bitter summer tan people feel dizzy, I was wondering Haiqing is not going to be late, turned around and saw her.

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Max Mara麥絲瑪拉MaxMara 06米蘭春夏女裝高級成衣秀 舒適有余創意不足 - 品牌新品 - 品牌地帶-桃園國中海角七號

MaxMara 這一季的設計主題是毫無勾束感的寬松式樣。開場 Gemma Ward 身著一件寬大的經典水手橫條紋T卹裙,隨意得仿佛穿著睡衣、睡眼惺忪跑來開門的鄰傢女孩。

MaxMara這一季的設計主題是毫無勾束感的寬松式樣。開場 Gemma Ward身著一件寬大的經典水手橫條紋T卹裙,Max Mara麥絲瑪拉MaxMara 06米蘭春夏女裝高級成衣秀 舒適有余創意不足 - 品牌新品 - 品牌地帶,隨意得仿佛穿著睡衣、睡眼惺忪跑來開門的鄰傢女孩。粗麻或亞麻制的遠征隊員隊服式樣的寬松裝束、如口袋收口繩般的吊頸設計,或是屬於夏天的卷邊西裝短褲,輕盈蓬松,好像已經能感受到涼風習習得暢快。

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Lanvin 浪凡中國首間LANVIN旂艦店上海恆隆廣場隆重開幕 - 品牌資訊 - 品牌地帶-中原選課海角七號


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王寶強孝順父母 54萬建成鄉村豪宅 - 愛傢 - 時尚-外遇女人海角七號

有人說,王寶強用54萬在傢鄉建了一座豪宅;有人說,王寶強孝順父母、揮金如土毫不心疼,Hermes 42公分铂金包 金銀系列。帶著這些有人說,來到了這座傳聞中的豪宅,從王媽媽的毫無保留的真誠描述中,也看到了王寶強通過努力創造的倖福生活。

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頂級陀飛輪腕表品牌Richard Mille推出男性的時尚物品袖扣 - 男人飾物 - 時尚-郵局招考海角七號

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Ferrani 法拉利法拉利458 Spider榮膺“最佳跑車與敞芃車”大獎 - 著名汽車品牌Ferrani法拉利專區,時時更新法拉利最新資訊 - 品牌地帶-外遇女人海角七號


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Longchamp 瓏驤Longchamp 全毬銷售額三年內激增75% - 品牌資訊 - 品牌地帶-中原選課海角七號
法國高級皮具及成衣品牌 Longchamp(瓏驤)近期公佈了2012年度全毬銷售額,共計達4.54億歐元。在過去的三年內銷售額增長了75%,並且僅2012年度就增長了16%。


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Blundstone stationed in China and Australia famous interpretation of the classic work boots shoes Le-桃園觀光工廠

Blundstone is one of Australia 's most famous work boots brand, but also in the international reputation ,Blundstone stationed in China and Australia famous interpretation of the classic work boots shoes Le, is the originator of Elastic Boot . It was born in 1870 , has experienced 140 years of brand precipitation, in different countries and regions have a large number of loyal supporters.


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2013 , whether it will become China's first year advanced customization -王乃恩

comes to advanced customization, a lot of people associate it with celebrities together. Senior politicians, royalty, celebrities star when attending important occasions,lv2013新款包目錄, advanced customization became the best choice, advanced customization will bring them distinctive fashion and taste performance and pocketed exposure. Kata thou royal princess like Mozart usually wear couture, her elegant suits, shoes and hat royal visit in numerous formal occasions such as Britain's Queen Elizabeth and former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the memories are still people New.


traced the history of haute couture, which originated in Europe as early as the 18th century, European nobles name of the people attending the public in order to make themselves different occasions, so that designers in their own individual tailor, customize most clothing with personality. Today in Europe, still represent the most advanced custom top clothing technology, stand firmly stylish top of the pyramid. Is a status symbol, but also represent a kind of highlighting the unique lifestyle.

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Versace Versace Versace China [ official website ] price , brand Versace Pictures Gallery-周湯豪

branded product line


currently Versace's brand lines are a lot more chaotic, and here I simply summarize currently sold under the brand Versace line series


Fashion category:


first file: VERSACE ALTIER COUTURE (Versace Haute)

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Extravagant luxury digital marketing observation 】 【 cool --8 3遊行

Although many luxury brand to brand or not to "digital" cautious about this issue, but once made a decision, put never ambiguous, and as they put online under the brand generally, to "extravagant" ideas are endless: for example, Prada developed a "smart dressing", consumers will pass through to fitting T stage ......
go Gracia in Barcelona busiest streets, and soon you will be a unique store attracted numerous customers often have to be at the entrance of the virtual image doubtful attracted there being staged Loewe craftsmen hand-Square where a Amazona handbag to complete the whole process. Go inside, you can see in an instant transform various parts of the color of Amazona handbag, in fact, is the use of magical lighting effects making realistic color, tell people this bag as much as ten of thousands of color possible.

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Government officials to combat consumption of luxury goods group PPR Gucci luxury brand sales fell 【-汐止腰力哥

 Chinese government officials to combat consumption of luxury goods group PPR Gucci luxury brand sales fell


part of the luxury group PPR 's Gucci brand represents operating in the Chinese market is becoming increasingly difficult , the competition has become increasingly fierce. Gucci is all cones in addition to outside the Louis Vuitton brand 's second-largest luxury brand , which represents the third quarter of this year, revenue grew only 7% , compared to 12% in the first quarter and second quarter, 10 percent had been downward trend.

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Top watch shock protection system you know -8 3遊行

Someone once said, on the watch, the wrist is the most vulnerable and most inappropriate wear parts. This sentence is not an exaggeration, no matter what form of portable timepieces are fragile and easily damaged.


top watch shock protection system you know?

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